Photo of Rudy Cotton Guatemala

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RUDY COTTON 09/19/1959. Sacatepquez San Pedro, San Marcos, Guatemala. STUDIES: artistic Studies: Universidad Popular National School of Plastic Arts Master of Urban Primary School. Bachelor of Visual Arts. School of Art. University of San Carlos de Guatemala. NATIONAL AWARDS: 1981. Second Place. American Center for Printmaking Competition. September 15. Guatemala. First Mention Honorfica. Salon II National Watercolor....

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Photo of Rudy Cotton Guatemala

RUDY COTTON 09/19/1959. Sacatepquez San Pedro, San Marcos, Guatemala. STUDIES: artistic Studies: Universidad Popular National School of Plastic Arts Master of Urban Primary School. Bachelor of Visual Arts. School of Art. University of San Carlos de Guatemala. NATIONAL AWARDS: 1981. Second Place. American Center for Printmaking Competition. September 15. Guatemala. First Mention Honorfica. Salon II National Watercolor. Guatemala 1982. Second Prize. Salon III National Watercolor. Guatemala 1984. Silver glyph. Guest Artists. IV Bienal de Arte Paiz. Mention Honorfica Guatemala. National Salon V watercolor. Guatemala 1986. Bronze glyph. . Guest Artists. V Bienal de Arte Paiz. Guatemala INTERNATIONAL AWARDS: 1987. Mention. Great International Prize of Contemporary Art. Montecarlo. MNAC 1989. Second Prize. V International Salon of Contemporary Art. Strasbourg. France AWARDS: In 2006 he received the revelation of the year's recognition of the Foundation Botrn Rozas for his proposal litogrfica Lumbres time as Artist of the Year also for his artistic career in edicinnmero 26 of the prizes awarded Alexander von Humboldt foundation, G & T and Laparra Vicente de la Cerda. ARTWORK: IlustrPeriodismo and Literary Creation, Paris 1924-33; Men Mazy The Tree of the Cross of Miguel Angel Asturias, the Archive Collection-UNESCO, also Crnica reliable city and other matters of Manuel JosArce Editions LHarmattan, Naked as the first time Akabal Humberto; acabla party is the Horra Ral and a place called Quivira Francisco P rez de Anton, Artemis-Edinter issues, among others. SOLO SHOWS: 1978. Universidad Popular. Guatemala 1979. Alliance Française. Guatemala 1980. Centro Universitario Ciudad Vieja. Guatemala 1981. Galera The Tunnel. Galera Guatemala Cronos. Guatemala 1982. Galera The Tunnel. Guatemala 1983. Centrale Galerie. Paris. France 1984. Galera The Tunnel. Guatemala 1985. Galera The Tunnel. Albigensian Guatemala Cultural Center. Albi, France 1986. Forum des Cordeliers. UniversitToulouse Le Mirail. Toulouse. France 1987. Galerie Condillac. Bordeaux France 1988. Salle Basse Berbie Palace. Albi. France Galerie Attica. Toulouse. France 1989. Goya Museum. Castres. France Galerie au cake. Hagondange Metz. Galerie France Impressions. Albi. France. 1992. Patio I. Foundation. Geneva, Switzerland Gallery of Fine Arts Board. Guatemala 1993. House of Latin America. Montecarlo. MNAC 1994. Salle Basse Berbie Palace. Albi. France Hontanares. Sol del Rio Gallery Guatemala 1995. Eurindia. Sol del Rio Gallery Guatemala 1996. 9 / 9 Variations. Galera contemporary plastic. Guatemala 1998. Mutation. Rectangle of the square. Galera Sol Ro. Guatemala 1999. Martyrdom. V International Festival of Culture Paiz. Antigua. Guatemala 2000. Windows on earth I. National Museum of Modern Art CM Guatemala. Windows on Earth II. Maya Palace. San Marcos Guatemala 2001. Post Actum AFTER the fact. Universidad Rafael Landivar. Guatemala 2002. Book of martyrs. Dudock space. The Hague, Netherlands 2005. Icons of spring. ALG Latin American art gallery. Guatemala 2006. Lumbres time. National Museum of Modern Art Carlos Merida. Guatemala 2008. Poetic and Society. Walk of Museums. Casa Santo Domingo. Antigua 2009. Eyewitnesses. Arthis Galera. Guatemala MAJOR EXHIBITIONS: 1979. XEROX INTERNATIONAL SALON III, El Salvador. AMERICAN EXHIBITION CENTER PAINTING. September 15. Guatemala. 1980. AMERICAN CENTER DESIGN COMPETITION. September 15. Guatemala. 1981. AMERICAN ENGRAVING CENTRE COMPETITION. September 15. Guatemala. II SALON NATIONAL WATERCOLOR. YOUNG ART GUATEMALA Guatemala. ENAP Guatemala GUATEMALA A CENTURY OF LANDSCAPE. Guatemala 1982. XIV FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE LA Peinture, Cagnes sur Mer, France MINI PRINT INTERNATIONAL, Cadaqus, Spain. GUATEMALA ENGRAVING. Cronos gallery. Guatemala III SALON NATIONAL WATERCOLOR. Guatemala 1983. 100 artists DAMERIQUE AMERICA, Compiegne, France GRAPHIC OF GUATEMALA. IILA Rome. Italy LE TRAIT, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris France. HOMENAJE A CARLOS MERIDA. Guatemala 1984. ARTISTI OF GUATEMALA, IILA, Turn. Italy. CONTEMPORARY PAINTING OF GUATEMALA. GUATEMALA Taiwn CONTEMPORARY PAINTING. Costa Rica ARTISTS AMERICAN. Montecarlo. MNAC ARTS FESTIVAL CENTRAL AMERICA AND PANAMA. Costa Rica V SALON NATIONAL WATERCOLOR. Guatemala 1985. NORD SUD 85 Galerie de la DFens, Paris, France. 1986. REVES ET DU MASQUE Quotidien, Maison de lAmrique Latine, Paris, France. ART V Bienal Iberoamericana, Mexico. MUSEUM OF LATIN AMERICA. Montecarlo. Monaco 1989. ARTS ET AU ECRITURE SIECLE XXI. CNRS Paris XXI CONTEMPORAIN DART GRAN PRIX, Monte Carlo, Monaco 1990. XXII FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE LA Peinture, Cagnes sur Mer, France 1991. CONTEMPORAIN DART VI INTERNATIONAL FAIR. Strasbourg. France 1992. 47e SALON DE MAI. Paris France. THE traversée. Patio Simon Foundation. Geneve. Suisse 1993. PEINTURES IN COUVERTURE, EPAD, Nanterre, Paris, France 14e FESTIVAL IN THOLOSIE LART. Escalquens. Toulouse. France 1996. 50e SALON DE MAI. Paris, France. VISION ART CONTEMPORARY IN GUATEMALA, III. National Museum of Modern Art Carlos Merida. Guatemala 1997. IMPRINT ON MEMORY. Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan 2004. PAINTING Neruda. IGA Cultural Center. MILENIUM Guatemala. Context. National Museum of Modern Art Carlos Merida. Guatemala 2005. MIAMI ART. Convention Center. Galera pyramid. Miami. USA. 2006. TWENTY YEARS LATER ... JOSE MANUEL ARCE REMEMBERING. Centro Cultural Miguel Angel Asturias. ERWIN RUDY Guatemala COTTON AND GUILLERMO. Roco Galera Quiroa. Guatemala 2007. TWENTY YEARS LATER ... JOSE MANUEL ARCE REMEMBERING. Centro Cultural Casa Santo Domingo. Walk of Museums. Antigua. Guatemala 2008. I INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART. Chapingo. Mexico DOCUMENTS (1978-2007) ART OF RUDY COTTON ACTIVITY 1978. Bifolia. Cotton Castle. Universidad Popular. Watercolor Exhibition. Presentation: Anleu Maestro Enrique Diaz. Nov. 1979 1979. Leaflet. Rudy Cotton Landscapes. Alliance Française presentation. Maestro Enrique Anleu Daz. November 1979 1980. Leaflet. Oils and watercolors by Rudy Cotton. Centro Universitario Ciudad Vieja. Presentation: Tasso Hadjidodou. August 1980 1981. Catalog. Oils and watercolors in The Tunnel presentation: Rudy Cotton. Maestro Enrique Anleu Daz. Invitation in April 1981: Prints and Watercolors. Rudy Cotton Galera Cronos. Diciembre 1981 1982 Catalog. Rudy Cotton 1982. The presentation Galera Tunnel, Master Roberto Gonzlez Goyri. June 1982 invitation: the Galera Tunnel. 1983. Leaflet: * Centrale Galerie. Rudy Cotton presentation presents: John B. Juarez. July 1983 1984. Invitation: Rudy Cotton scaring the moon Galera Tunnel. October 18, 1984 1985. Invitation: Rudy Cotton. Forms Series 85 symphony Galera The Tunnel. 23, * Rudy Cotton May 1885 paid tribute to Manuel JosArce Catalog. Presentation: Jean Jacques Fleury. November 1985 1986. Invitation: Toulouse Le Mirail University, presents Rudy Cotton Forum des Cordelieres. Toulouse. France. March 20, 1986 1987 invitation: * Une expo à la campagne. DAlbi Villefranche. July 30, 1987 invitation: Room of the findings. Rudy Cotton Galera Condillac. Bordeaux, France. October 15, 1987 1988. Invitation: The city of Albi, presents: Rudy Cotton Salle Basse. Berbie Palace. April 5, 1988 Poster: Paintings. Rudy Cotton Salle Basse. Berbie Palace. April 5, 1988 invitation: * Rudy Galera Cotton Attica. Toulouse, France. November 25, 1988. 1989. Catalog: Rudy Cotton presentation: Gaston Diehl. Goya Museum. Castres, France. February 24, 1989 Invitation: Paintings. Rudy Cotton Print Galera. Albi, France. September 22, 1989 1992 trifoliate. The traversée. Rudy Cotton presentation: Gaston Diehl. Geneva in June 1992. Invitation: The Transom. Rudy Cotton Patronato de Bellas Artes. November 20, 1992 1993. Invitation. * Rudy Cotton to the House of Latin America of Monaco Monte Carlo. MNAC. September 22, 1993. 1994. Catalog. Hontanares. Rudy Cotton Paintings presentation: Amos Segala. Ro sun hat. February 3, 1994 invitation: Ten years Albigenses. Salle Basse. Berbie Palace. City of Albi, France December 2, 1994 1995. Invitation: Eurindia. Acrylics on canvas Galera Sol Ro. May 25, 1995 1996. Catalog: Rudy Cotton. 9 / 9 Variations. Presentation: Rudy Cotton. Galera contemporary plastic. July 17, 1996 1997. Leaflet. Imprint on memory. Rudy Cotton presentation: Jorge Carro. Meguro Museum of Art. Tokyo. March 1997 1998. Leaflet. Rudy Cotton, the squared rectangle Ri Sunshine Galera January 29, 1998 2000 invitation. Windows on the ground. Martyrs Museum of Modern Art Carlos Merida. July 5, 2000 leaflet, invitation. Windows on the ground. Maya Palace Martyrology II San Marcos. September 2, 2000 2001. Bifolia-invitation. Post actum PRESENTATION AFTER the fact: Dennis Leder. URL. April 3, 2001 Post-actum Rudy Cotton The newspaper. May 22, 2001. Pg 19. 2005. Invitation. Icons Spring Latin American Art Gallery of ALG. February 10, 2005 2006. Invitation: Lumbres time. Conference: From the sacred in the contemporary. National Museum of Modern Art Carlos Merida. May 16, 2006 * Exhibitions France OTHER: He has lectured at various Universities, Schools and Institutes, and assisted in humanitarian aid projects, workshops and animation art. Board collaborate French Alliance in Guatemala, in binational projects. Ao formparte of committees to also commemorate the anniversary of the death Vigsimo writer, poet and playwright Manuel JosArce. Today is part of the Advisory and Consultative Council of the Centro Cultural Miguel Angel Asturias. PUBLICATIONS: She has collaborated with some diaries written as the University of San Carlos, Prensa Libre, Magna Terra Magazine and others on various topics related to the visual arts, social issues, critics and filosficos analysis on contemporary and classic art, SPECIFIC from 1200 until today. About his work critics have written several articles, especially the Gaston Diehl, Art critic French, Salon founder of May in Paris. As also interviews with national and international journals of prominent writers, journalists and philosophers. CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS 1984. The Guatemalan tradition and new paint. Federico Sarmiento. Diario de Centro America. December 6, 1984. Tzolkin 1985. Animation Pedagogique in espganol No 2. CDDP Albi, France. November 5, 1985. 1991. Workshop. In the search for Laperouse. Laperouse Museum. Albi, France. June 14, 1991 1998. Conference. The art in history. Maya Palace. San frames. Guatemala. September 1, 1998. 2006. Conference. Of the sacred in the contemporary Museum of Modern Art Carlos Merida. May 16, 2006 2009. A look at the history of visual arts. Guatemala Verne College. DIGITAL PRESENTATIONS-RUDY COTTON 25 years. SOCIAL POETICS-2003-RUDY SPRING COTTON ICONS ICONS-2005-RUDY COTTON SPRING TIME LUMBRES lithographic edition 2006-PRINTS OF TROPICAL RUDY COTTON MUSEUM TOUR. OLD 2008

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